dogs -- truly our best friends!
so my dad really is a nature lover and really is a man with a heart of gold for the creations by his Creator. Dad has always loves landscaping, nature, and animals. He's always made sure our home has plants all over and he manages to keep them green all the time! It's pretty amazing how he can keep all of them going! Besides plants, he also loves fish and has always kept an aquarium (or two or three...) where all kinds of fish dwell. A few years back, he found 2 doggies running around with no collars and no one claiming them. We waited to see if anyone would put up signs around the neighborhood asking for these two dogs, but no one ever did, and so we adopted Brownie and Fido.
Ok, so the two on the right of these four dogs are Brownie (the mom) and Fido (the dad). Chubby is the one that's both brown and white. Sadly, one Saturday morning he was out wandering (escaped out the backyard) and was ran over by a car. May Chubby ever rest in peace.Here's my dad with one of Brownie's many dogs (she's has had quite a few litters) and a happy little boy, also named Daniel (like my brother) who enjoyed playing with this Chihuahua, Spot, whom we gave away to a family at church.
Here's one of the dogs, I think it's spot laying there just resting and pondering the deeper things of life, actually this one could be a pic of Chubby. I can't really tell which one of Brownie's many babies this one is.
Here's Spot, before we gave him away to the family who overfed him and turned Spot into this chubby little boy.
Here's a final pic of Chubby again, he was the happiest and most carefree dog with the best personality ever! My mom, who actually isn't very fond of animals (besides mink ;D) cried a lot when Chubby passed away. We know he's in a better place now. Yes, all dogs go to heaven. =)
Do you have animals also as cute as my Chihuahuas? If so, do share! I'd love to see pics of your doggies too!